Four Continents Championships
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{Neat picture here}

Cat's Lair

Four Continents Championships

Colorado Springs, CO
Feb. 7-10, 2007

Skating Kitty: Official Mascot of Cat's Lair Skating Pages


2007 Four Continents Championships

7-Feb-2007: Day 3, Compulsory Dance

Updated: 19-Feb-2007 11:48 PM
Cover Page
Feb 5: Practices
(06-Feb-2007 11:54 AM)
Feb 6: More Practices
(06-Feb-2007 11:25 PM)
Feb 7: Compulsory Dance
(07-Feb-2007 08:29 PM)
Feb 7: Pairs Short
(07-Feb-2007 08:33 PM)
Feb 7: Men's Short
(09-Feb-2007 08:46 PM)
Feb 8: Original Dance
(09-Feb-2007 08:46 PM)
Promises of More to Come, and Some Pictures as a Bribe
(please read)
(12-Feb-2007 10:49 PM)
Feb 8: Pairs Free
(12-Feb-2007 10:52 PM)
Feb 8: Ladies Short (fixed missing skaters)
(13-Feb-2007 06:24 PM)
Feb 9: Men's Free
(14-Feb-2007 01:31 AM)
Feb 10: Ladies Free
(16-Feb-2007 01:03 AM)
Feb 10: Exhibition
(19-Feb-2007 11:49 PM)

Wow! I forgot how much I like the Golden Waltz. It is gorgeous, romantic Astaire and Rogers kind of skating. The Free Dance has become so weird of late, full of strange themes, excessive lifting and everyone doing twizzles. The only way to see actual dancing on ice is in the Compulsory Dance. I really enjoyed this morning's skaters, thank you skaters.

Marie-France Dubreuil & Patrick Lauzon - Canada
Lovely, elegant a beautiful dance. They have such deep edges their bodies are almost parallel to the ice. They have very crisp turns, lovely expression and they get right up close to the boards.
19.67 18.87 38.54
Xintong Huang & Xun Zheng - China
They had very close dance holds and a very enjoyable dance.
13.32 11.29 24.61
Xiaoyang Yu & Chen Wang - China
She looks a lot like Naomi Nari Nam, I have been seeing her all week and wondering who she is, now I know. Their edges are better than the other Chinese team, but they noticeably slowed down as the dance went along. She is adorable and fun to watch.
12.07 10.40 22.47
Maria and Evgeni Borounov - Australia
Not a good day for Oz. They got their feet tangled up in the waltz turns and had bobbles in each of the dips.
6.33 6.63 12.95
Laura & Luke Munana - Mexico
I saw them at Nationals when they were novice or juniors. They had nice edges, but a little bobble in the dip.
11.10 9.97 21.97
Kimberly Navarro & Brent Bommentree - USA
They are as smooth as silk. The have deep edges and crisp turns, but they are not as fast as the top teams.
15.60 13.77 29.37 A new personal best
Tanith Belbin & Belbin Agosto - USA
Their holds aren't as close as D&L and their edges aren't as deep. But they are very fast and very expressive. He slipped in one of the turns, I couldn't tell if he put his hand down, but it was close.
19.03 18.69 37.72
Meryl Davis & Cheryl White - USA
They have fast turns, solid edges and they are adorable.
17.83 15.85 37.72
Tessa Virtue & Scott Moir - Canada
She has beautiful auburn hair. They are a little slower and a little less edge than the top teams and their hold looks a little stiff. But she has a very natural smile on her face and seems to really being enjoying herself.
17.83 15.85 33.68
Lauren Senft & Leif Gislason - Canada
They are a little slower than the other Canadians, they have deep edges.
15.69 14.01 29.70
Olga Akimova 7 Alexander Shzkalov - Uzbekistan
I loved their waltz turns, they were fast and close together. The rest of the waltz alas was a little labored.
11.98 10.93 22.91
Cathy & Chris Reed - Japan
Also adorable. They have deep edges, lovely expression. Just slower than the top teams.
14.89 12.53 27.42

Copyright © 2007, Antoinette M. Aubert & Richard M. Hartman

Updated: 07-Feb-2007
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Copyright © 2007, Richard M. Hartman & Antoinette Aubert