Four Continents Championships
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Cat's Lair

Four Continents Championships

Colorado Springs, CO
Feb. 7-10, 2007

Skating Kitty: Official Mascot of Cat's Lair Skating Pages


2007 Four Continents Championships

7-Feb-2007: Day 3, Men's Short

Updated: 19-Feb-2007 11:48 PM
Cover Page
Feb 5: Practices
(06-Feb-2007 11:54 AM)
Feb 6: More Practices
(06-Feb-2007 11:25 PM)
Feb 7: Compulsory Dance
(07-Feb-2007 08:29 PM)
Feb 7: Pairs Short
(07-Feb-2007 08:33 PM)
Feb 7: Men's Short
(09-Feb-2007 08:46 PM)
Feb 8: Original Dance
(09-Feb-2007 08:46 PM)
Promises of More to Come, and Some Pictures as a Bribe
(please read)
(12-Feb-2007 10:49 PM)
Feb 8: Pairs Free
(12-Feb-2007 10:52 PM)
Feb 8: Ladies Short (fixed missing skaters)
(13-Feb-2007 06:24 PM)
Feb 9: Men's Free
(14-Feb-2007 01:31 AM)
Feb 10: Ladies Free
(16-Feb-2007 01:03 AM)
Feb 10: Exhibition
(19-Feb-2007 11:49 PM)
Joel Watson - New Zealand
Music Lord of the Dance - Landed a triple/double combo and a double axel. Put his hand down on another triple jump, finished behind his music.
22.53 18.03 40.56 New Personal Best
Adrian Alvardo - Mexico
Music is Pistolero - He did a triple/double combo but two footed the triple. Landed a lutz, but I don't know the revolutions. He had good speed going into his jumps. Landed a double axel up on his toe.
18.20 17.14 35.44 New Personal Best
Mathieu Wilson - New Zealand
Music from Cirque de Soleil - Fell on one triple jump and landed another. He did a one foot flying sit spin but wobbled on the spin. Singled the axel. Nice straightline footwork including a deep lunge.
12.40 17.04 28.44
Ryan Bradley - USA
Music is Polka by G. Kramer - Ryan could give showman lessons to Chris Bowman, heck he could give showman lessons to Scott Hamilton. He plays a character and keeps it throughout the program, all in keeping with the music and skating to the music. He landed the nicest triple axel better than I have ever seen him do. He landed a triple/triple combo and another triple. He did that great stretched flying camel that I have loved since he was a novice. A great program.
37.19 31.64 68.83 New personal best.
Nicholas Fernandez - Australia.
Music is Xena soundtrack - Landed a triple loop, fell out of a triple salchow. He had good speed in his circular footwork. Landed a double axel.
17.81 19.22 37.03
Zhixue Yang - China
Music Pirates of the Caribbean - Landed a triple/double combination with great height. Put his hand down on a triple lutz. Something happened with the axel that I can't tell from my notes. He finished behind the music and was really feeling the altitude at the end of his program. There is no oxygen here you know.
29.47 19.22 52.98 New personal best
Ming Xu - China
Music Kung Fu Hustle - Great speed going in and coming out of a triple/triple combination. Fell on what looked like a double axel. Stepped out of a triple. Good height in his flying sit spin. He has nice spin positions with good speed and intricate footwork.
30.50 25.50 55.00
Dean Timmons - Australia
Did turns out of the double axel. Fell on something. Did a one footed flying sit spin with good height. Did a double jump out of steps. Intricate but slow straightline footwork.
15.2317.3331.56 New personal best
Noriyuki Kanzaki - Japan
Music is Bolero - Landed a triple axel. He is a stylish skater with good flow. Landed a triple/triple combination but fell on a triple lutz. He has fast spins. Did a beautiful back spiral into the combo spin.
35.3128.0362.34 new personal best
Jeremy Abbot - USA
Music from American Beauty soundtrack - Landed a triple lutz/triple toe and a triple axel. One footed flying sit spin with good height. Triple loop fast in and out. Very dramatic intense presentation. Fast spins with great stretched positions. He did a great leap in his straightline footwork. Great program.
Kenouke Nakaniwa - Japan
Music is Aranjuez - Starts out miming his hands being tied. What is this music about someone will have to tell me one day. Landed a triple/triple combo but fell on a triple axel. His triple out of steps was wobbly almost fell out of it. He has very good spin positions.
Luis Hernandez - Mexico
Music is Once Upon a time in Mexico - He did a double axel, popped something else and about a half a loop.
15.4419.3234.76 New Personal Best
Yasuhari Nanri - Japan
Two Guitars Russian Folk Dance - Landed a triple/triple combo and did three turns out of a triple axel. He has intricate circular steps. He popped the lutz. He did a dramatic straightline footwork sequence and a flying sit spin with good height.
Emanuel Sandhu - Canada
Music is Pantera en Liberto Mambo - He landed a triple/double combo and singled the axel. Then something went wrong with his skate and he had to stop. A hook popped on his skate and he had to re-tie the skate. He re-started the program where he left off. He landed a triple lutz and typically good spins and footwork. This was a fun and flirty program, very different from the usual brooding Sandhu. Nice to see his cute stuff.
Justin Pieterson - Republic of South Africa
Music is Capone - Landed a triple/double combination. A jazzy program with nice musical interpretation. He singled the axel and landed another triple. He was clearly feeling the altitude at the end.
Sean Carlow - Australia
Music Scot and Frans Paso Doble - He landed a double/double combination and a double axel. He has nice positions and centering in his spins. Fast footwork
I didn't get his scores
Jianling Wu - China
Music from Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon - He landed a triple axel and a triple/triple combo. He did a lot of one footed steps in his circular step sequence. Triple out of steps was fine. I wrote in my notes at last another clean skate.
37.4226.1063.52 New personal best
Tristan Thode - New Zealand
Music is Harlem-Nocturne - He landed a combo but I couldn't tell if the first jump was a triple or double. Singled the loop and did three turns out of a double axel. He had a nice footwork run, steps timed with the music.
19.1020.0039.10 New personal best
Evan Lysacek - USA
Music The Felling Begins - He started out with an excellent, high triple axel. But he had trouble with the first part of his combo and doubled the toe loop. Then he doubled his jump out of steps. That left him with needing high pcs to beat Ryan and Jeremy and this program wasn't going to do it for him. I am sorry, I try to write a positive web site here, but I really hate this program. There is an excessive amount of sticking hands up in the air for no reason and none of the movements go with the music and the footwork is pedestrian. Really Kurt Browning needs to stick to skating he is not a choreographer.
Jeffrey Buttle - Canada
Music is Adios Nonince - I think I might have misspelled that. Jefferely landed a triple/triple but fell out of his triple axel. He did a terrific triple lutz great flow coming out of it. Like Evan he needed help from the PCS, but unlike Evan this program and his skated delivered. He has great spin positions and very fast spins. His edges are very deep and his basic skating and stroking is great. The ending combo spin was spectacular.
41.5836.1477.72 new personal best
Chris Mabee - Canada
Jazzy choreography to Blues Deluxe - He landed the triple axel put put his hand down on the triple lutz/triple toe. Fell on jump out of steps. Great footwork sequence, intricate and musical.

Copyright © 2007, Antoinette M. Aubert & Richard M. Hartman

Updated: 09-Feb-2007
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Copyright © 2007, Richard M. Hartman & Antoinette Aubert