Four Continents Championships
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Cat's Lair

Four Continents Championships

Colorado Springs, CO
Feb. 7-10, 2007

Skating Kitty: Official Mascot of Cat's Lair Skating Pages


2007 Four Continents Championships

8-Feb-2007: Day 5, Mens Free

Updated: 19-Feb-2007 11:48 PM
Cover Page
Feb 5: Practices
(06-Feb-2007 11:54 AM)
Feb 6: More Practices
(06-Feb-2007 11:25 PM)
Feb 7: Compulsory Dance
(07-Feb-2007 08:29 PM)
Feb 7: Pairs Short
(07-Feb-2007 08:33 PM)
Feb 7: Men's Short
(09-Feb-2007 08:46 PM)
Feb 8: Original Dance
(09-Feb-2007 08:46 PM)
Promises of More to Come, and Some Pictures as a Bribe
(please read)
(12-Feb-2007 10:49 PM)
Feb 8: Pairs Free
(12-Feb-2007 10:52 PM)
Feb 8: Ladies Short (fixed missing skaters)
(13-Feb-2007 06:24 PM)
Feb 9: Men's Free
(14-Feb-2007 01:31 AM)
Feb 10: Ladies Free
(16-Feb-2007 01:03 AM)
Feb 10: Exhibition
(19-Feb-2007 11:49 PM)

Oh sure, the minute we leave Colorado it starts snowing. We were so hoping for some fresh snow while we were there, but no it was bone dry until we left.

After the award ceremony the Men were posing for pictures and signing autographs, but before they got to the group of anxious fans at my side of the rink they were all called away for a press conference. As we were leaving Jeffrey Buttle promised he would come back. So I stuck around with a gaggle of giggling skatie girls. A half hour went by, it was past 11:00, some people gave up and left, but Jeffrey kept his promise and came out and signed autographs for all the young girls and couple of middle-aged ones. Thank you Jeffrey that was very sweet.

Yasuharu Nanri - Japan
Music is Carmen - He started out with a fall on his axel. Then he landed a triple jump and put his hand down on a loop. He was looking as if he hurt himself, holding his side. He did a double lutz and then just stopped doing his program and started skating around, I thought he was going to have to stop, but he is tough. After the break he landed another axel, sorry I didn't not the revolutions, then he landed a triple lutz/double toe, a double axel/double toe and another triple jump. This was a really great comeback.
Christopher Mabee - Canada
Music was a Pearl Harbor Big Band medley - He wore a nice suit and looked gorgeous. He started out with a popped jump, then landed a triple axel/triple toe and a triple lutz/double toe. He had really nice style and flair, very musical presentation. Good height in his flying sit spin. He landed a triple axle, another triple, a triple lutz, and a triple loop. He did a great circular step sequence timed really well to the music and fun acting. He landed a double axel, very nice positions in his combo spin. A great program, he was actually third in the free but too far behind in the short to move onto the podium.
Kensuke Nakaniwa - Japan
Music Slow Dance In the Big City - He started out with a quad toe jump! Then landed a triple axel and a triple lutz/double toe then another triple lutz. He did a spread eagle into a triple and landed a triple/double combo. Then I think a triple/double loop combo but my notes are kind of scribbled here. Very dramatic music beautifully expressed.

If you guys could see my notebook you would understand why my reports are so uneven. I start out the week with nice neat readable writing and by the end of the week I am writing in nearly unintelligible scribbles.

Ming Xu - China
Music is 2046 soundtrack - He was bent over in the landing to a triple axel, I think he managed to not put his hand down but it was close. He did a triple axel/double toe but stepped out of the axel. He landed a triple lutz/double toe/double loop sequence. He landed a triple loop. He has nice Moves In The Field, stretched out pretty positions. He landed a triple/double combo, a triple jump and a triple salchow. His step sequence was slow.
Noriyuki Kanzaki - Japan
Music is Phantom of the Opera - He landed a triple axel/double toe, at least I think it was an axel my note on that jump is very scribbled. He put his hand down on a triple axel. He did butterflies into a flying sit spin, a nice high one footed flying sit spin. He landed a double axel/double toe and a double jump. He did a serpentine step sequence and an excellent circular step sequence with a dramatic leap timed well to the music. He fell on a triple lutz and landed a triple sal/double/double sequence and another triple spin. New Personal Best.
Jeremy Abbott - USA
Music was Symphony 25 by Mozart (I think Mozart is the most underused composer whose music is great for skating.) He landed a triple jump and a triple sal/triple toe with extra turns, don't know if what is in the first landing or the second. He landed another triple jump and a double axel. He has great spin positions, well stretched very nice. He was very expressive in his Moves in the Field, also beautiful line. He singled another axel and did a double lutz/double toe/double loop, and a flying sit spin. He landed a triple loop. Intricate, and dramatic circular footwork. Landed another triple/double combo.
Jeffrey Buttle - Canada
Music was Ararat - I swoon over his edges. He landed a triple loop jump and a double axel. He has breathtaking Moves In the Field, which in Colorado altitude could have killed me. He did an incredible stretched lunge that darn near killed me. (oh I forgot my gush warning: warning gushing ahead) He landed a triple flip/triple toe combo, he did gorgeous intricate step sequences. He landed a triple lutz/double toe/double loop sequence. He singled the other axel. He did a beautiful Ina Baur into a triple sal and a triple flip. Landed a triple lutz. I don't care that he didn't do a triple axel, the rest of his skating is so beautiful, I would pay just to see him do footwork and MIF.
Emanuel Sandhu - Canada
Muisc is When Strangers Meet Legends - the music and choreography were American Indian-esque. Well he did a triple lutz/double toe and stepped out of the lutz. He has great speed. Singled the axle and then landed a triple lutz. Did spirals into a single axel. Fell on a triple jump, then landed a double and a double loop and a triple sal. When Jeffrey missed jumps he still poured it on in the rest of his program, but when Emanuel started missing jumps it affected all the rest of his program.
Evan Lysacek - USA
Music is Carmen - He landed the quad toe/triple toe. Put his hand down on a triple axel, landed a triple loop and then a triple sal, then a triple axel/triple toe combo. He did a nice stretched back spiral and a triple/double/double combo. He landed a triple lutz and a double axel. He needed a ton of points to win this thing and he went out and earned those points. New Personal Best (which is odd because I thought his Nationals program was better)
Jialiang Wu - USA
Music is A World Without Thieves - He fell out of a triple axel/triple toe. He landed a triple axel, a triple lutz/double toe, double axel, and a triple lutz, a triple loop, and a triple/double/1/2 loop combo and a double salchow. I think my notes say that he was lacking in speed and flow, but I am not sure, his PCS would seem to confirm that opinion. New Personal Best
Ryan Bradley - USA
Latin Medley - I wrote down a 6, I have no idea what that means, I am sure he didn't do a sextuplet jump. He did do a triple axel/triple toe, but fell on a triple lutz. He did a nice stretched split jump into a triple sal. I think he doubled the second axel. He landed a triple/triple/double combo. He did a triple loop and landed on his knee, ouch. He landed a double jump and a double axel/double toe. He did his usual fun, mugging footwork sequence. New Personal Best

Copyright © 2007, Antoinette M. Aubert & Richard M. Hartman

Updated: 14-Feb-2007
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Copyright © 2007, Richard M. Hartman & Antoinette Aubert